1. The document discusses various tax credits available in 2007 for taxpayers who made energy efficient home improvements or purchases. Credits included a 10% residential energy property credit up to $500 and a 30% residential energy efficient property credit up to $2,000.
2. Alternative motor vehicle credits were also available for qualifying hybrid, fuel cell or alternative fuel vehicles, but were subject to phase out once manufacturers sold 60,000 units.
3. Energy production credits were outlined for generating renewable energy through sources like solar, wind and biomass or for producing low-sulfur diesel fuel. However, credits were limited by the amount of taxes owed.
Take advantage of green tax planning opportunitiespquimby
Legislation over the last several years has greatly expanded the universe of energy tax incentives available to ordinary businesses. The bulk of these incentives are geared toward conservation, energy efficiency, and alternative and renewable fuels. Businesses can also take advantage of many of the energy tax incentives meant for consumers or the energy industry.
The document provides an overview of a conference call supplement from Ameren regarding regulatory updates and earnings guidance. Key points include:
1) Ameren reached a major settlement in Illinois that provides $488 million in customer rate relief over four years and establishes a new power procurement process, addressing significant legislative and regulatory uncertainty.
2) The Missouri Public Service Commission issued final rate orders providing AmerenUE $43 million in annual electric rates and $6 million in gas rates, extending plant lives and changing accounting methods for favorable financial impacts.
3) Ameren updated 2007 GAAP EPS guidance to $2.80-$3.05 per share, factoring in the impacts of the Illinois settlement, severe winter storms,
Dnrec werner arra dba delaware abc 02 04-10 finalJim Werner
The document discusses funding provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) for energy efficiency and renewable energy programs in Delaware. It provides an overview of ARRA funding amounts and requirements, including prevailing wage rules. It also summarizes specific programs in Delaware that will receive ARRA funding to promote energy efficiency upgrades, weatherization assistance, and renewable energy investments. Reporting requirements are outlined for tracking spending and job creation metrics.
The document discusses solar financing programs and federal incentives in Ohio. It describes Ohio House Bill 1, which allows property assessed clean energy (PACE) financing for solar improvements. This includes the creation of special improvement districts (SIDs) to finance upfront costs through special assessments. The document outlines the SID process and various financing options like bonds, federal tax credits, and Department of Energy loan guarantees. It also discusses Senate Bill 223, which expands SID authority to other energy projects.
Corporate Governance is to conduct the business in accordance with owner or shareholders desires, which generally will be to make as much money as possible, while conforming to the basic rules of the society embodied in law and local customs.
--- Milton Friedman, American Economist, Statistician, Writer, Professor of Economics, University of Chicago, Fulbright Visiting Fellow at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge and Noble laureate
This memo proposes amending the tax code to provide incentives for non-profit organizations to install renewable energy equipment. Currently, for-profit entities can claim a 30% tax credit for clean energy investments but non-profits cannot access this incentive. The amendment would allow non-profits to pass these tax credits to investors using a structure similar to historic rehabilitation tax credits. This would incentivize faster renewable energy adoption by non-profits like hospitals and universities, who are large energy consumers. The memo argues this is consistent with Congress' goal of multiple incentives to accelerate clean energy deployment across all sectors.
This document summarizes a share offer from Abingdon Hydro, an industrial and provident society generating renewable hydroelectricity in Abingdon, UK. The society aims to raise 贈1,250,000 to build a 100kW hydroelectric project using twin Archimedean screws at Abingdon weir, expected to generate an average of 400,000-450,000 kWh per year. Profits will fund further community renewable energy and carbon reduction projects. The share offer provides an expected 4% annual return to investors over the project's 20-year lifespan. Planning permission and an environmental license have been obtained to begin construction in 2015.
DOD Purchase of Renewable Energy Credits Under the National Defense Authoriza...Anthony Andrews
The document discusses the Department of Defense's (DOD) electricity usage and the National Defense Authorization Act's directive for DOD to purchase renewable energy certificates (RECs) in bulk. It provides background on federal renewable energy policies and requirements. DOD consumed around 24,765 thousand megawatt-hours of electric power in 2010. The document estimates DOD's state-by-state electricity demand and discusses how REC purchases could help DOD meet renewable energy goals, though some argue REC purchases without associated power do not contribute to energy security.
With new funds in the pipeline and a new administration at the helm, communities nationwide are looking for ways to align their strategies for development with the tone and tenor of Washington. In order to help counties better understand the new mechanisms for addressing their energy needs, Brian spoke to NACos Energy Subcommittee about the opportunities for clean energy activities in the 2009 American Recover and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). He outlined the main recipients of ARRA funding for energy efficiency (which include state energy offices and local governments), as well as how those funds will be allocated, how interested organizations should apply for those funds, and what activities are eligible for funding.
This document summarizes Juhl Energy, Inc., a provider of clean energy solutions. It discusses Juhl Energy's business divisions including wind farm ownership, development and engineering services. It provides an overview of Juhl Energy's leadership, market niche in community wind power, and opportunities to acquire existing wind farms. The document also describes Juhl Renewable Assets Inc. and its preferred stock, which allows individuals to invest in renewable energy assets.
The document discusses using funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) to support energy efficiency and clean energy financing programs. It outlines how ARRA funding is being used to expand existing revolving loan funds, create loan loss reserves, and issue Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds and New Clean Renewable Energy Bonds to finance energy projects. The development of secondary markets for loans is also discussed as critical to attracting private capital and driving down interest rates for consumers.
Eca insight 12.20 getting from green home grants to the ten point planGail Gibson
The document discusses policies to meet the UK government's goal of 600,000 heat pump installations per year by 2028 as part of its Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution. It analyzes the Green Homes Grant scheme which provides subsidies for home retrofits. While the scheme makes retrofits accessible, supply issues have limited its effectiveness. Deeper "deep retrofits" are optimal but costly, requiring a mixed policy approach including subsidies, loans, energy service companies, and minimum energy standards. An expanded Green Homes Grant combined with a new Green Investment Bank and other financial tools may help deliver necessary retrofits at scale over the long term.
Juhl Energy is a leading provider of clean energy solutions, formerly known as Juhl Wind. It has offices in Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, and several locations in Minnesota. The document provides an overview of Juhl Energy's business segments, leadership, financial performance, growth opportunities, and competitive advantages in the renewable energy industry. It positions Juhl Energy as uniquely qualified among green energy companies due to its experience, balance sheet strength, and diversified business model across wind farm development, ownership, and services.
The document provides an overview of Juhl Energy, Inc., a leading provider of clean energy solutions. It summarizes the company's operations, financial performance, growth opportunities, and leadership. Juhl Energy develops, owns, and operates community wind farms and other renewable energy projects. It also provides engineering, consulting, and maintenance services. The company has a diversified portfolio of assets and services that position it for continued growth in the renewable energy industry.
This document analyzes tax credit incentives for residential solar photovoltaic (PV) installations in Hawaii. It finds that with the current state tax credits, the internal rate of return for a typical PV investment is as high as 14%. If most Hawaii households take advantage of these high returns, state tax credit expenditures could reach $1.4 billion for residential units alone. The study estimates that up to 1,100 megawatts of PV capacity could eventually be installed on single-family homes, resulting in $1.4-$2.1 billion in claimed state tax credits depending on the policy rules. It concludes that given the potential costs to the state budget, the appropriate role of state policy is to facilitate rather than directly subsid
public serviceenterprise group Investor 040808finance20
PSE&G received approval from state regulators to launch a $105 million solar investment program. The program will provide loans to developers and customers to finance the installation of solar systems on homes, businesses, and municipal buildings. The funding seeks to spur additional investment in solar energy and help meet New Jersey's goal of obtaining 20% of its energy from renewable sources by 2020. The loans will cover 40-60% of solar installation costs and be repaid through the sale of solar renewable energy certificates generated by the systems. Customers will pay for the program through a monthly charge on their electric bills.
The Green Deal - an innovative energy efficient delivery structure for UK homesGrant Thornton
The Green Deal is an innovative framework designed to increase energy efficiency in UK homes at no upfront cost to occupants. Key mechanisms include the Golden Rule, which requires estimated energy savings to exceed costs, and the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) which provides subsidies. Birmingham City Council plans to improve energy efficiency in around 15,000 properties with 贈100 million in investment over three years through the Green Deal.
The new estate tax rules and your estate planDamon Roberts
The document summarizes the major changes to estate tax laws under the 2010 Tax Act and how those changes may impact estate planning. Key points include: the estate tax exemption has increased to $5.12 million per person and is portable between spouses; the increased exemption allows married couples to transfer up to $10.24 million gift and estate tax-free; and the changes provide an opportunity for increased gifting to reduce estate size and transfer wealth to heirs while avoiding taxes. However, the changes are temporary and scheduled to expire after 2012 absent further legislation.
Tax Incentives To Ease The Pain Presentation Full Versionccseerc
This document summarizes various tax incentives available in California to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy. It discusses tax credits for purchasing hybrid vehicles, clean diesel vehicles, plug-in electric vehicles, and for making home energy improvements. It also covers tax credits for solar water heating and solar electric systems. The document provides details on eligibility and maximum credit amounts for each incentive.
The document discusses various tax credits available to homeowners for making energy efficient home improvements and installing renewable energy systems under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. It outlines tax credits of 30% of the cost for improvements such as insulation, windows, doors, and high-efficiency heating and cooling equipment. Larger renewable energy systems like solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal pumps are also eligible for a 30% tax credit. All improvements and systems must meet ENERGY STAR specifications to qualify for the tax credits.
Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Sparks New Opportunities in 2023.pdfGuillermoSigala
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is the most significant landmark climate legislation that provides funding, programs, and incentives to facilitate the transition to a clean energy economy in the United States. These incentives include tax credits, grants, and other financial incentives to reduce air pollution and increase energy efficiency.
This bill has triggered a shift in investment strategies on Wall Street, as investors scramble to take advantage of the new opportunities created by the legislation. With the promise of significant funding and incentives, the bill is poised to drive innovation and spur economic growth in the green technology sector. The bill is fundamentally changing the landscape of the Carbon Economy in the U.S and encouraging further developments of other countries green initiatives, such as in the EU. The financial industry is undergoing a significant shift towards green investments, spurred by the new IRA Bill. Institutional investors are trying to leverage the opportunities created by the bill to identify the clean technologies that are best placed to benefit. According to Hugh Gimber, a global market strategist for JPMorgan, the US is now spending a record 1.5% of its GDP on climate initiatives, overtaking the EU at 1%.
WIND RESOURCES, INC. In July 2005, Mr. Charl.docxmayank272369
In July 2005, Mr. Charles Bittner, chief executive officer of Wind Resources, Inc. (WRI),
needed to decide how best to capitalize on the companys development easement located
in the San Gorgonio Pass near Palm Springs, California. In 1985, WRI had acquired the
easement from the propertys owner, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and
entered into a complex 20-year agreement with private investors, creditors, and Southern
California Edison to build and operate a 30-megawatt wind energy facility on the site.
With the original agreement about to expire, Mr. Bittner needed to decide what to do with
the easement. The site, known as Canyon Wind, was reputed to be one of the premier
wind resources in North America, and with conventional energy prices rising sharply,
continued use of the site as a wind farm seemed the obvious choice. Two options
appeared feasible. One was to continue operating the sites existing but aging turbines.
Ownership of the turbines and related equipment had recently reverted to WRI when
private investors had encountered difficulty servicing the debt originally incurred to
purchase them.
A second option was to sell the easement to new owners who would most likely
redevelop the site much as WRI had done in 1985 but this time using new, much larger
turbines. Mr. Bittner sensed that WRIs principal shareholders were interested in selling
the easement as soon as possible, but before putting the easement up for sale or auction,
he needed to estimate its value to new owners. (Exhibit 1 shows the Canyon Wind site
and existing turbines. Exhibit 2 is a graph of natural gas prices over the past two
decades, and Exhibit 3 records the volatility of gas prices over different time periods.)
The Industry
Todays wind energy business is a child of OPEC and Western governments. Concerned
about American dependence on foreign oil and the environmental damage caused by use
of fossil fuels, the U.S. Congress passed the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act
(PURPA) in 1978 as part of the National Energy Act. The legislation encouraged
creation of energy from renewable sources, including wind power, and given certain
conditions, required utilities to buy the energy at the utilities highest avoided cost.
Avoided cost is the cost of the energy replaced by the renewable source.
Professors Rocky Higgins and Robert Keeley prepared this case for classroom discussion. It describes an
actual situation, although some information has been altered. We thank Professor Avi Kamara for his help
and advice. All remaining errors are ours. 息 2007 University of Washington Business School
Wind Resources, Inc.
Although PURPA is Federal Law, Congress delegated implementation to the states,
resulting in a variety of regulatory schemes across states and the absence of any activity
at all in others.
In 2004, California took the lead in PURPA enforceme ...
1) The document discusses various tax incentives available in California for purchasing hybrid and electric vehicles, energy efficient home improvements, and solar energy systems.
2) It provides details on the tax credits available for hybrid vehicles, plug-in electric vehicles, and clean diesel vehicles through 2010.
3) The document also outlines energy efficiency tax credits for home improvements and rules for residential solar tax credits available through 2017.
Federal Energy Tax Provisions
The Energy Policy Act of 2005 created tax incentives for energy efficient residential and commercial buildings placed in service between 2006 and 2008. Residential contractors can earn a $2,000 tax credit for homes certified to save 50% in energy consumption compared to a national model code. Commercial building owners can earn a $1.80 per square foot tax deduction for buildings that achieve a 50% reduction in annual energy costs compared to an industry standard. Insulating concrete form construction contributes significantly to energy savings and helps contractors qualify for these tax incentives.
This document summarizes a share offer from Abingdon Hydro, an industrial and provident society generating renewable hydroelectricity in Abingdon, UK. The society aims to raise 贈1,250,000 to build a 100kW hydroelectric project using twin Archimedean screws at Abingdon weir, expected to generate an average of 400,000-450,000 kWh per year. Profits will fund further community renewable energy and carbon reduction projects. The share offer provides an expected 4% annual return to investors over the project's 20-year lifespan. Planning permission and an environmental license have been obtained to begin construction in 2015.
DOD Purchase of Renewable Energy Credits Under the National Defense Authoriza...Anthony Andrews
The document discusses the Department of Defense's (DOD) electricity usage and the National Defense Authorization Act's directive for DOD to purchase renewable energy certificates (RECs) in bulk. It provides background on federal renewable energy policies and requirements. DOD consumed around 24,765 thousand megawatt-hours of electric power in 2010. The document estimates DOD's state-by-state electricity demand and discusses how REC purchases could help DOD meet renewable energy goals, though some argue REC purchases without associated power do not contribute to energy security.
With new funds in the pipeline and a new administration at the helm, communities nationwide are looking for ways to align their strategies for development with the tone and tenor of Washington. In order to help counties better understand the new mechanisms for addressing their energy needs, Brian spoke to NACos Energy Subcommittee about the opportunities for clean energy activities in the 2009 American Recover and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). He outlined the main recipients of ARRA funding for energy efficiency (which include state energy offices and local governments), as well as how those funds will be allocated, how interested organizations should apply for those funds, and what activities are eligible for funding.
This document summarizes Juhl Energy, Inc., a provider of clean energy solutions. It discusses Juhl Energy's business divisions including wind farm ownership, development and engineering services. It provides an overview of Juhl Energy's leadership, market niche in community wind power, and opportunities to acquire existing wind farms. The document also describes Juhl Renewable Assets Inc. and its preferred stock, which allows individuals to invest in renewable energy assets.
The document discusses using funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) to support energy efficiency and clean energy financing programs. It outlines how ARRA funding is being used to expand existing revolving loan funds, create loan loss reserves, and issue Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds and New Clean Renewable Energy Bonds to finance energy projects. The development of secondary markets for loans is also discussed as critical to attracting private capital and driving down interest rates for consumers.
Eca insight 12.20 getting from green home grants to the ten point planGail Gibson
The document discusses policies to meet the UK government's goal of 600,000 heat pump installations per year by 2028 as part of its Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution. It analyzes the Green Homes Grant scheme which provides subsidies for home retrofits. While the scheme makes retrofits accessible, supply issues have limited its effectiveness. Deeper "deep retrofits" are optimal but costly, requiring a mixed policy approach including subsidies, loans, energy service companies, and minimum energy standards. An expanded Green Homes Grant combined with a new Green Investment Bank and other financial tools may help deliver necessary retrofits at scale over the long term.
Juhl Energy is a leading provider of clean energy solutions, formerly known as Juhl Wind. It has offices in Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, and several locations in Minnesota. The document provides an overview of Juhl Energy's business segments, leadership, financial performance, growth opportunities, and competitive advantages in the renewable energy industry. It positions Juhl Energy as uniquely qualified among green energy companies due to its experience, balance sheet strength, and diversified business model across wind farm development, ownership, and services.
The document provides an overview of Juhl Energy, Inc., a leading provider of clean energy solutions. It summarizes the company's operations, financial performance, growth opportunities, and leadership. Juhl Energy develops, owns, and operates community wind farms and other renewable energy projects. It also provides engineering, consulting, and maintenance services. The company has a diversified portfolio of assets and services that position it for continued growth in the renewable energy industry.
This document analyzes tax credit incentives for residential solar photovoltaic (PV) installations in Hawaii. It finds that with the current state tax credits, the internal rate of return for a typical PV investment is as high as 14%. If most Hawaii households take advantage of these high returns, state tax credit expenditures could reach $1.4 billion for residential units alone. The study estimates that up to 1,100 megawatts of PV capacity could eventually be installed on single-family homes, resulting in $1.4-$2.1 billion in claimed state tax credits depending on the policy rules. It concludes that given the potential costs to the state budget, the appropriate role of state policy is to facilitate rather than directly subsid
public serviceenterprise group Investor 040808finance20
PSE&G received approval from state regulators to launch a $105 million solar investment program. The program will provide loans to developers and customers to finance the installation of solar systems on homes, businesses, and municipal buildings. The funding seeks to spur additional investment in solar energy and help meet New Jersey's goal of obtaining 20% of its energy from renewable sources by 2020. The loans will cover 40-60% of solar installation costs and be repaid through the sale of solar renewable energy certificates generated by the systems. Customers will pay for the program through a monthly charge on their electric bills.
The Green Deal - an innovative energy efficient delivery structure for UK homesGrant Thornton
The Green Deal is an innovative framework designed to increase energy efficiency in UK homes at no upfront cost to occupants. Key mechanisms include the Golden Rule, which requires estimated energy savings to exceed costs, and the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) which provides subsidies. Birmingham City Council plans to improve energy efficiency in around 15,000 properties with 贈100 million in investment over three years through the Green Deal.
The new estate tax rules and your estate planDamon Roberts
The document summarizes the major changes to estate tax laws under the 2010 Tax Act and how those changes may impact estate planning. Key points include: the estate tax exemption has increased to $5.12 million per person and is portable between spouses; the increased exemption allows married couples to transfer up to $10.24 million gift and estate tax-free; and the changes provide an opportunity for increased gifting to reduce estate size and transfer wealth to heirs while avoiding taxes. However, the changes are temporary and scheduled to expire after 2012 absent further legislation.
Tax Incentives To Ease The Pain Presentation Full Versionccseerc
This document summarizes various tax incentives available in California to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy. It discusses tax credits for purchasing hybrid vehicles, clean diesel vehicles, plug-in electric vehicles, and for making home energy improvements. It also covers tax credits for solar water heating and solar electric systems. The document provides details on eligibility and maximum credit amounts for each incentive.
The document discusses various tax credits available to homeowners for making energy efficient home improvements and installing renewable energy systems under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. It outlines tax credits of 30% of the cost for improvements such as insulation, windows, doors, and high-efficiency heating and cooling equipment. Larger renewable energy systems like solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal pumps are also eligible for a 30% tax credit. All improvements and systems must meet ENERGY STAR specifications to qualify for the tax credits.
Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Sparks New Opportunities in 2023.pdfGuillermoSigala
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is the most significant landmark climate legislation that provides funding, programs, and incentives to facilitate the transition to a clean energy economy in the United States. These incentives include tax credits, grants, and other financial incentives to reduce air pollution and increase energy efficiency.
This bill has triggered a shift in investment strategies on Wall Street, as investors scramble to take advantage of the new opportunities created by the legislation. With the promise of significant funding and incentives, the bill is poised to drive innovation and spur economic growth in the green technology sector. The bill is fundamentally changing the landscape of the Carbon Economy in the U.S and encouraging further developments of other countries green initiatives, such as in the EU. The financial industry is undergoing a significant shift towards green investments, spurred by the new IRA Bill. Institutional investors are trying to leverage the opportunities created by the bill to identify the clean technologies that are best placed to benefit. According to Hugh Gimber, a global market strategist for JPMorgan, the US is now spending a record 1.5% of its GDP on climate initiatives, overtaking the EU at 1%.
WIND RESOURCES, INC. In July 2005, Mr. Charl.docxmayank272369
In July 2005, Mr. Charles Bittner, chief executive officer of Wind Resources, Inc. (WRI),
needed to decide how best to capitalize on the companys development easement located
in the San Gorgonio Pass near Palm Springs, California. In 1985, WRI had acquired the
easement from the propertys owner, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and
entered into a complex 20-year agreement with private investors, creditors, and Southern
California Edison to build and operate a 30-megawatt wind energy facility on the site.
With the original agreement about to expire, Mr. Bittner needed to decide what to do with
the easement. The site, known as Canyon Wind, was reputed to be one of the premier
wind resources in North America, and with conventional energy prices rising sharply,
continued use of the site as a wind farm seemed the obvious choice. Two options
appeared feasible. One was to continue operating the sites existing but aging turbines.
Ownership of the turbines and related equipment had recently reverted to WRI when
private investors had encountered difficulty servicing the debt originally incurred to
purchase them.
A second option was to sell the easement to new owners who would most likely
redevelop the site much as WRI had done in 1985 but this time using new, much larger
turbines. Mr. Bittner sensed that WRIs principal shareholders were interested in selling
the easement as soon as possible, but before putting the easement up for sale or auction,
he needed to estimate its value to new owners. (Exhibit 1 shows the Canyon Wind site
and existing turbines. Exhibit 2 is a graph of natural gas prices over the past two
decades, and Exhibit 3 records the volatility of gas prices over different time periods.)
The Industry
Todays wind energy business is a child of OPEC and Western governments. Concerned
about American dependence on foreign oil and the environmental damage caused by use
of fossil fuels, the U.S. Congress passed the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act
(PURPA) in 1978 as part of the National Energy Act. The legislation encouraged
creation of energy from renewable sources, including wind power, and given certain
conditions, required utilities to buy the energy at the utilities highest avoided cost.
Avoided cost is the cost of the energy replaced by the renewable source.
Professors Rocky Higgins and Robert Keeley prepared this case for classroom discussion. It describes an
actual situation, although some information has been altered. We thank Professor Avi Kamara for his help
and advice. All remaining errors are ours. 息 2007 University of Washington Business School
Wind Resources, Inc.
Although PURPA is Federal Law, Congress delegated implementation to the states,
resulting in a variety of regulatory schemes across states and the absence of any activity
at all in others.
In 2004, California took the lead in PURPA enforceme ...
1) The document discusses various tax incentives available in California for purchasing hybrid and electric vehicles, energy efficient home improvements, and solar energy systems.
2) It provides details on the tax credits available for hybrid vehicles, plug-in electric vehicles, and clean diesel vehicles through 2010.
3) The document also outlines energy efficiency tax credits for home improvements and rules for residential solar tax credits available through 2017.
Federal Energy Tax Provisions
The Energy Policy Act of 2005 created tax incentives for energy efficient residential and commercial buildings placed in service between 2006 and 2008. Residential contractors can earn a $2,000 tax credit for homes certified to save 50% in energy consumption compared to a national model code. Commercial building owners can earn a $1.80 per square foot tax deduction for buildings that achieve a 50% reduction in annual energy costs compared to an industry standard. Insulating concrete form construction contributes significantly to energy savings and helps contractors qualify for these tax incentives.
The document provides information and tips about various tax benefits available to individuals including contributing to retirement plans, cafeteria plans, itemizing deductions, individual retirement accounts (IRAs), home improvements tax credits, residential energy property tax credits, and the first-time homebuyer tax credit. It outlines eligibility and limitations for each tax benefit and encourages readers to take advantage of these opportunities to reduce their tax burden.
Year End Tax Planning Tips Individuals 2009guest366c4e
This document provides an overview of various tax benefits available to individuals related to retirement plans, health plans, itemized deductions, IRAs, home improvements, vehicle purchases, education expenses, and adoption. It discusses contribution limits, eligibility, phase-outs based on income, and how to claim various credits and deductions. Key benefits include tax-free contributions to retirement and cafeteria plans, the home improvement tax credit, deductions for education expenses, and tax credits for adoptions and student loans.
The document discusses Florida Power & Light's plans to build large-scale solar energy plants in Florida, including the DeSoto Next Generation Solar Energy Center. It notes that this solar facility will be the largest in North America when completed later in 2009. The document also mentions that Florida aims to become the second largest solar power producing state in the country through these solar plants. Additionally, it discusses small-scale residential solar energy systems and programs from utilities to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Climargy Innovative Energy Efficiency Financing through ESCO Project Aggregat...OECD Environment
Third OECD-DOE Workshop: Unlocking finance and investment in offshore wind power and energy efficiency in public buildings in the Philippines, 6-7 March 2024, Makati, Philippines
The document discusses various ways that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) aims to stimulate investment in the energy sector through tax incentives, grants, and loan guarantee programs. It outlines provisions including an expansion of the renewable energy investment tax credit and production tax credit, a new Treasury grant program in lieu of tax credits, increased funding for energy efficiency and renewable energy programs, and $60 billion in renewable energy project loans guaranteed by the Department of Energy. It raises questions around whether these programs will be effective in increasing investment and addressing energy and climate challenges over the long run.
The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) provides grants and loan guarantees to agricultural producers and rural small businesses for renewable energy systems and energy efficiency improvements. Eligible projects include solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, and hydroelectric energy. Grants are available for up to 25% of eligible project costs and loans are guaranteed for between 70-85% depending on loan size. Eligible applicants must be located in a rural area and demonstrate financial need. The program aims to help farmers and rural businesses lower energy costs and use renewable sources.
This document discusses policy initiatives to improve residential energy efficiency in the United States. It argues that energy efficiency is the nation's "first fuel" as it represents the lowest cost carbon mitigation option and largest near-term resource. The document outlines several policy recommendations to tap into the potential of residential energy efficiency, including requiring home energy assessments at time of sale, expanding financing options for home energy upgrades, establishing utility energy efficiency portfolio standards, and improving federal tax incentives for energy efficient homes and buildings. The goal is to significantly reduce U.S. building energy use and carbon emissions by 2030 through these policy measures targeting both new and existing residential structures.
Financing Policy Webinar with Congressman Israel and Matthew Brown - Congress...Alliance To Save Energy
November 19, 2009 - The Alliance hosted a webinar that addressed a range of current financing proposals, including a discussion by Congressman Israel on Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) bonds and an overview by Matthew Brown on models of clean energy financing.
- The document summarizes various changes to Virginia's individual and business tax codes for 2007 and beyond. Key changes include increases to personal exemptions and filing thresholds over time, as well as new deductions and credits related to energy efficiency, organ donations, and education. It also outlines changes to sales tax holidays, the estate tax repeal, and protective claims in light of a relevant legal case.
This document summarizes tax issues from 2009, including:
1) Homebuyer tax credits for those who purchased homes in 2009 or 2010, claiming the credit using Form 5405.
2) Income tax breaks for mortgage assistance/cancellation from 2007-2012 and exclusions for HAMP payments.
3) A sales tax deduction for vehicles purchased in 2009 and exclusions for "Cash for Clunkers" vouchers.
4) Various energy, education, and payroll tax credits, along with IRA and retirement contribution limits.
1. Tax Benefits for going "GREEN"
By Douglas G. Schultz, CPA and Jacob I. Chung, CPA
up to a maximum tax credit of $500. The
For those of you who made financial credit is a lifetime credit such that if you
decisions during the year 2007 to acquire have already made qualifying
energy saving home improvements, improvements in 2006 and claimed the $500
appliances or other purchases to help Mother maximum credit on your 2006 tax return, no
Nature, you may realize some tax benefits more credit is available on your 2007 tax
when filing your 2007 tax returns. Through return for the additional improvements.
the Energy Tax Incentives Act of 2005 the However, if you have not claimed the entire
federal government provides tax incentives credit, you can still claim the unclaimed
for taxpayers who made qualifying portion of the $500 maximum credit.
purchases and improvements to conserve
energy and other ways that would help the Many types of improvements qualify for the
environment. However, there are drawbacks tax credits, such as insulation, replacement
to these tax incentives. The credits and of windows, exterior doors, metal roof, etc.
deductions available are limited in their To qualify these purchases require either
availability to certain taxpayers and limited "Energy Star" label or meet the International
in amount. Unfortunately, the tax incentives Energy Conservation Code (IECC).
available apply only to homeowners or Components must be new and must have
commercial property. For the most part, useful life of at least five years. Of the $500
residential rental property is excluded. Most maximum credit, no more than $200 of the
of the current credits expired December 31st. credit can be claimed for windows
Congress has indicated that it will try to expenditures for all years.
extend these incentives in 2008 legislation.
There are currently no California energy tax In addition to home improvements,
credits. purchases of specific energy-saving
property, including installation costs, can
There are three main tax credits available to qualify for the credit, such as electric heat
most taxpayers for tax year 2007: pumps, geothermal heat pumps, energy
efficient central air conditioners and natural
1. Residential Energy Property Credit gas or propane water heaters. These energy
(Non-Business Property Credit) properties must meet minimum performance
2. Residential Energy Efficient and quality standards. For more information
Property Credit and the details of the standards, please visit
3. Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit the website at http://www.energystar.gov
and click the button for tax credits.
1. Residential Energy Property Credits 2. Residential Energy Efficient Property
Credit - Claimed on Form 3468, Investment
If you made energy saving improvements to Tax Credit
your principal residence located in the
United States between 1/1/2006 to In addition to the Non-Business Energy
12/31/2007, individual taxpayers are entitled Property Credit (Residential Energy Credit)
to a credit of 10% of qualifying expenditures described above, taxpayers may receive a
2. credit for qualified energy property. The of the 60,000th vehicle, the purchasers in the
credit is based on 30% of the qualifying cost following two calendar quarters can only
of the property with a maximum credit of claim 50% of the full credit, then 25% of the
$2,000. The credit again applies to full credit on purchases made in the next two
individuals who install such property related calendar quarters. After the fifth calendar
to their principal residence. Qualifying quarter, the credit is completely phased out.
property includes solar electric property, You can search for a specific vehicle on the
solar water-heating property (other than IRS website to determine the available credit
swimming pools) and qualifying fuel cell using the following link:
property. In the case of qualifying fuel cell http://www.irs.gov/newsroom/article/0,,id=1
property, the credit is $500 per half kilowatt 57557,00.html. Be aware that the IRS
of electricity generated. Unlike the publishes information whether the IRS has
lifetime credit, the Residential Energy withdrawn any certification that would
Efficient Property Credit is computed based disallow the credit for any specific qualified
on the expenditures made during the tax vehicle. .
year and can be earned in succeeding years.
Energy Credit
3. Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit -
Claimed on Form 8910 One credit that may be available to owners
of residential rental property may be the
Taxpayers who purchased or placed in Energy Credit for production of energy by
service an alternative motor vehicle may alternative means. It is also a credit that
claim a tax credit related to the purchase. may provide a tax planning opportunity
First, the vehicle must meet the criteria for since it is the one energy credit that was
the credit - the vehicle must be one of the previously extended to property placed in
following four types: advanced lean burn service before January 1, 2009.
technology vehicle; qualified hybrid vehicle;
qualified alternative fuel vehicle; and Prior to year 2006, the government allowed
qualified fuel cell vehicle. In general, energy credit for 10% of the costs of the
manufacturer's certification will determine if equipment 1) used to produce, distribute, or
the vehicle will be eligible for the credit, used geothermal energy stored in rocks,
except for the qualified fuel cell vehicle. water, or steam, and 2) that uses solar
Second, the vehicle must be placed in energy to create electricity, heating or
service during the tax year to claim the tax cooling system, or provide hot water or solar
credit. Third, the usage of the vehicle process heat. The Energy Tax Incentives
should be primarily in the United States. Act of 2005 had two major updates starting
Fourth, the taxpayer is the original owner. 2006: 1) increased the business investment
credit from 10% to 30%, for solar energy
The amount of available credit varies by the property and hybrid solar lighting systems
type of vehicle acquired; a 2007 Honda and 2) expanded the definition of energy
Civic CVT generates a $2,100 credit and a property to include qualified fuel cell
2007 Ford Escape Hybrid 2WD generates a property at 30% energy credit and stationary
$2,600 credit, The tax credit is also subject microturbine property at 10% energy credit.
to a phase out. The credit starts to phase out
once the vehicle manufacturer sells 60,000 To qualify for the energy credit, the taxpayer
units of the qualified vehicles. After the sale must construct, reconstruct, or erect the
3. qualifying property, or acquire the property energy efficient home and IRS Notice 2006-
as part of the original use. The property 28 for manufactured homes.
must meet the minimum performance and
quality standards set by IRS Regulations, Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Production Credit
and must be used in the taxpayers trade or Taxpayers who produce sulfur diesel fuel
business as depreciable property. are entitled to a five cents credit for each
gallon for qualified small business refiners
Finally there are energy credits for that do not exceed 205,000 barrels per year.
production of energy from alternative
sources that one normally would receive as All of the available energy credits are
an investor in an entity that produces energy subject to a limitation based on tax. The
from alternative sources. Some of these maximum amount of credit a taxpayer may
credits are: take is the amount of the tax due or the
amount of credit that would reduce the
Renewable Resources Electricity Production amount of the regular tax to the tentative
Credit. This credit is allowed for taxpayers minimum tax. Thus the Alternative
that generate electricity, refined coal, or Minimum Tax may also play a role in how
Indian coal from a qualified resources and much energy credit may be taken for 2007.
facility, and then sell in the United States.
Qualified resources are defined on the
instructions for Form 8835. Samples of the
qualified resources are electricity produced
from wind, open-loop and closed-loop The opinions expressed in this article are those of the
biomasses, poultry waste, solar energy, and authors and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint
landfill gas. of SFAA or SF Apartment Magazine. Douglas
Schultz is a CPA and partner in the tax practice in the
San Francisco office of Burr, Pilger, & Mayer. LLP.
Enhanced Oil Recovery Credit . Taxpayers Jacob Chung is a CPA and manager in the San Jose
who operate mineral interest and incurred office of Burr, Pilger, & Mayer, LLP. Both can be
expenses for qualified enhanced oil recovery contacted at 415.421.5757.
are entitled to claim 15% of the costs for the
year as tax credit.
Credit for Alcohol Used as Fuel.
Taxpayers producing alcohol fuels or
mixtures of other special fuel or gas with
alcohol can claim a tax credit when a sale or
usage of such alcohol occurs by the
Energy Efficient Home. For contractors
who construct energy efficient home or
manufacture new home and meet the energy
saving requirements can claim up to $2,000
tax credit. For more details, guidelines are
provided in the IRS Notice 2006-27 for